Monday 25 April 2016

the great comeback by ford motors and the end of henry ford

Ford now had many cars which became the sensation in that period of time such as the ford Taurus which was the best selling in it 21 year long run which were sold over 70,00,000  this was right behind the sales of  F-150 , the unbeaten car the MODEL T and the youngsters favorite MUSTANG. In 1943 the end of edsel ford came to an end  as he sufferd with stomach cancer .this turned the tables of the company and it was when the legend came back mr henry ford was back as the president of the company but many people opposed this as he was 78 year old, had many heart problems and atherosclerosis.  This was very questionable because if he would die the company would collapse this would make the company vulnerable to any new president elected by the board ,so ford’s wife and daughter in law demanded the control over to the grandson this was opposed by henry but if the post was not given to his grandson, his wife and daughter in law would would sell their stock which was half the company shares thisleft him with no choice so he gave up and gave his post to his grandson henry ford II this move was bad as the company was losing $9million a month . here was the worst case scenario henry ford died due to a brain hemorrhage on april 7 1947 this was the greatest blow ford motors ,got there were more than 5000 people who had come to view him every hour in  greenfeild village in Dearborn .  the funeral took place in Detroit where the whole story of this young man started , it was held in cathedral church of st paul . on 9 april 1947 there were 600 people in the church and over 20000 people who stood out side the church while it was raining this attracted national attention and over 7million people mourned his death . henry II served as the company president till 1945 to 1960 and then he became the ceo form 1960 to was still a family controlled company they had 40% shares the also made their car superior to other brands by adding many safety features this   awarded them with car of the year by ‘ motor trend’ . ford  motors were to back track and the sales and the capital increased day by day 

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